Mission Statement of the Patriotic Socialist Front

There is no American nation, there is no American government, there is no American representation, there is only a colony of the Globalists. We are natives of a colony. That’s the entire cruel and unrelenting truth, which one must make peace with mentally before thinking ahead.


  • Race and Identity In America

  • An Appeal to Nationalists

  • An Appeal to Socialists

  • A Socialism of Our Style

Race and Identity In America

Race impacts many aspects of American society, such as personal interactions or exchanges in the workplace. Conservatives consider it an affront to the “individual” to view citizens as being part of extended communities and traditions while simultaneously lamenting that families and the nation are increasingly alienated from one another. Western Leftists often use discussions about race to pander, or worse, look down on some communities, denying them dignity while hypocritically claiming to protect them. Nationalists often make a hateful idol out of race. When Corneliu Codreanu critiqued certain nationalists as being “preoccupied by the clothing” of race - that is to say, the superficial and trivial aspects of race - and not caring enough for values, morals, history, and tradition, he spoke the truth regarding a common pitfall of this community. 

The Western Left has adopted an ideology of racial hatred at its very core. It has created a system whereby a socially constructed “oppressor group” is scapegoated to be a perpetual villain who must pay for the “original sins” of this country. Bourgeois liberals have attempted to claim that every instance of oppression is due to this “oppressor group” as a cover for their own nefarious deeds and plots against working people of all types and backgrounds. Ironically, one could argue that they themselves are that very same “oppressor group” that they claim to combat. While capitalists steal the labor of the working class both here and abroad and drive the world towards environmental destruction, liberals claim – from behind the walls of their gated communities and mansions – that somehow the coal miner or factory worker is to blame for systems of oppression that were built and maintained by the capitalist class for centuries. 

We reject all of these stances as inherently destructive to the national community. Race is a socio-political and biological reality. Race exists both politically and culturally. Conservatives try to nullify this, in some cases by simply ignoring it, while the Left purity spirals into an ever-increasing liberal psychosis. We define race as a people of a common identity, culture, and ancestral origin. There are many pillars that contribute to a common consciousness including a common language, common feeling, common character, common experience, common history, common worldview, and common economy. We hereby affirm race as both metaphysical and biological reality.

Our proposal is simple. We acknowledge and celebrate race whether it be our heritage or our culture, but we do not let ourselves be consumed by the idolatry of phyletism. As Sir Oswald Mosley put it:

Naturally we believe in our own race. Any man or woman worth anything believes in his own race as he believes in his own family. But because you believe in your own race or in your own family doesn't mean you want to injure other races or other families.

—Oswald Mosley

In this spirit, we affirm that race is a political synonym for family. Just as a family is harmonized through a common consciousness, so too is a people harmonized through a common consciousness. We believe it is the duty of the state to cultivate this common consciousness among the people so that they may organically become a race.

We have learned from Fred Hampton, a martyr and former leader of the Illinois Black Panther Party, who organized the original Rainbow Coalition. The Rainbow Coalition was composed of Black organizations that advocated for the unique issues their communities were facing and the specific interests of Black Americans. Latino, Puerto Rican, and other Hispanic groups were fighting for the exact same representation and justice for their community. The Young Patriots were a pro-White organization and worked to not only represent the White community but to also provide community programs for needy families and an anti-racist form of self-described “hillbilly nationalism.” All of these groups had their ethnic and cultural pride, but they were all united through the principles of solidarity. 

Fred Hampton declared that the mission of the Rainbow Coalition was:

“All power to all people. White power to White people. Brown power to Brown people. Yellow power to Yellow people. Black power to Black people.”

—Fred Hampton

To Hampton and other organizers during the 1960s, the concept of any sort of “ethnic power” was an emphasis on ethnic pride, economic empowerment, and the creation of political and cultural institutions for that group. Having pride in your heritage and desiring to advocate for your community does not mean looking down on any other group working for the same goals. 

We condemn all forms of racial animus or attempts to drive a wedge between different communities. All of our communities are facing the same exploitation at the hands of the oppressors. Only through solidarity can we overcome those that wish to keep us in bondage and only through respect and fraternity can we bridge the gaps created to divide working people. In the simplest of terms, we seek harmony within each and every community in the country, and then, beyond that, we seek harmony between all organic communities that make up the United States; this is to say, a truly harmonized and integrated national community based on the values of high culture and civilizational states. In America, the thing that the capitalists and liberal elites most fear are multiple communities with their own separate cultural identities working together and cooperating with one another in the name of genuine social justice. All communities deserve dignity and self-determination and this extends to all cultural groups in America who would seek to find peace, harmony, and justice. 

Despite the Black Lives Matter movement having some shortcomings, this movement still highlighted the biggest issues facing the Black community; a lack of economic opportunity and police injustice. 

When you march against police brutality, we support you. 

When you take direct action, we are with you. 

However, crime or violence against other communities in a spat of reactionary rage is unacceptable. The politicians, the bosses, the police, and the other instruments of our oppression have no trouble overlooking all of our differences in order to maintain their stranglehold over us and our children. We too must transcend the barriers that had been previously erected and march forward toward a glorious vision of peace and justice for all. For our Black comrades, our appeal is simple, fight with us for social justice. When we achieve liberation, no longer will heavily armed militarized police forces occupy your communities. Black autonomy and empowerment is our vision, be it in large areas like the Black belt, or community by community. White and Black need not be enemies, that is what the bosses want. We implore you to stand with us against the plutocratic capitalist tyranny that seeks to destroy all cultures. Much of the animosity you have is misdirected and propagated by those who exploit you while claiming to fight for you. This classic “divide and rule” tactic will inevitably result in the destruction of all communities in America. Meanwhile, despite honeyed words and false promises of a better tomorrow, the plutocrats do nothing to actually help the Black community. They continue to push policies that stifle and destroy your communities!

Additionally, in Western Leftism, there is a thought process called “Settlers Ideology.” This is an ideology that says that particular groups, no matter how poor or disadvantaged they may be, are still somehow “oppressors.” As if the average working-class person could ever be oppressive compared to the Sackler family or the thieving criminals on Wall Street. The blood libel of the “Settlers Ideology” is done to distract all communities away from the real power players in America. Power in America is not White, Black, or Brown, but rather green. Money and capital hold the dominant position of power in the United States and this class uses its economic and social privileges so that the State may keep working people in a subservient and exploited place within our society. We are willing to work as fellow travelers with both the Left and the Right, but the “Settlers Ideology” and racial supremacy or hatred in all forms must all be rejected as being simply incompatible with the development of Socialism.

Our commitment is that we are going to find a solution to the problems within America that will allow a healthy pride and organic cultural identities to flourish in all communities that seek to be integrated members of the future American civilization. We must have dignified self-determination for the many nations in this civilization-state. This is our highest guiding principle. When we speak of Race we also have to speak of identity in general. This is something deeply spiritual, whose values shape who we are as individuals. Therefore we demand a society that allows these higher values to bring back beauty, value, and dignity to human life; a world of great works of art, pride in your profession, pride in your heritage, a sense of connection to the past, belonging to the present, and safeguarding your descendants' future. Our enemies are a multinational cosmopolitan Liberal cabal that poisons our country. Be proud of who you are, be strong, and be secure in your faith. This is the answer, a common struggle against the plutocratic capitalist tyranny, economic social justice, cultural traditionalism, and the right of self-determination for all peoples within our shared civilization-state.

An Appeal to Nationalists

The cause of labour is the cause of Ireland, the cause of Ireland is the cause of labour.

—James Connolly

The Conservative movement has proven to be a fundamental ally whenever a movement for national rebirth has appeared. It always joins popular movements when it's convenient to do so but eventually betrays the idea once things get tough or when the revolutionary discourse becomes too uncomfortable. This means the Conservatives see value in using Nationalism as long as Nationalism serves its interests and then discarding it while ruthlessly suppressing any who continue to advocate for nationalist positions. If conservatives cannot undermine nationalist groups and subvert their intentions and beliefs, they work to destroy them. 

In Mussolini's Italy, the government began practicing socialist policies in the 1930s and this continued into the 1940s. During this process, almost all of the Liberals and Conservatives that joined the Fascist party to stop the “Red Terror” suddenly started leaving and joining the opposition. 

Fine Gael in Ireland was founded by the fascist Blueshirts and within two generations the supposedly socially conservative Party had become as socially liberal as the American Democratic Party.

The Brothers of Italy as a successor movement of the Italian Fascist Party has witnessed immigration increase under its tenure at the head of Italy’s government, is pro-Zionist, and is supportive of NATO aggression.

It was the conservative New Democracy party, not the Left, that began the fight to imprison the leadership of the nationalist Golden Dawn Party in Greece.

Instead of overthrowing the corrupt oligarchs of the Kiev regime that took power in 2014 and liberating Ukraine from foreign influence, the Azov Battalion, Right Sector, and other Ukrainian neo-fascist organizations ended up aligning with that government. Going so far as to not only accept supplies and training from the Zionist Occupation forces and NATO but then went so far as to eventually cleanse their groups of any ideological devotion to neo-fascism. The symbols were maintained, but the globalists and liberals won the struggle to remake these groups into little more than useful idiots for the West.

Francisco Franco’s Spain, as the longest-enduring “Fascist” government, steadily undermined and reversed all of the policy positions of the Falangist ideology that it supposedly ascribed to. While maintaining the signs and symbols of fascism, Franco turned over his government to the influence of bankers, the so-called “Spanish Miracle” which undermined Spanish economic sovereignty, and the military and political forces of the West. The alliance with conservatives ended up making Spain “Fascist in Name Only” and thus when Franco died, the system was so atrophied and weak that the entire Spanish nation was quickly gobbled up by Western liberalism.

Every single fascist movement becomes undermined by conservatives who seek to direct the healthy impulse of a people to protect their nation and subvert them for liberal, capitalist, and globalist aims. There is no place to make alliances with reactionaries and conservatives because when given the chance, these forces always turn on those that struggle for national rebirth. 

If you still think that nationalists can work with conservatives we must ask:

  • Who killed Corneliu Codreanu? 

  • Who let José Antonio Primo de Rivera die? 

  • Who removed Mussolini from power? 

  • Why were Liberals and Conservatives among the partisans who opposed the Fascists? 

  • Who tried to assassinate Hitler on multiple occasions? 

  • Who couped Perón? 

  • Who killed Jorge Gaitan? 

  • Who couped Marcos Perez Jimenez? 

The obvious conclusion by looking at history is that, for nationalists, working with the Right leads to the destruction of their ideals. What this reveals is that the common overlap between Communism and Fascism is Socialism. It is Socialism that was the common reason why the conservatives betrayed both genuine Communists and Fascists alike. While the Socialism of Communism was based on materialism and the Socialism of Fascism was based on idealism, both interpretations of socialism had a largely similar overlap in praxis and both sought to manifest their own interpretations of a true democracy. So how was this theorized? We present four quotations showing this:

“Hence, an apparent contradiction in my attitude: I analyzed fascism and Stalinism with sympathy, and at the same time I made a declaration of democratic socialism.”

—Pierre Drieu la Rochelle

“We call for such unity of the toiling masses as can meet the democratic demands of the workers, peasants and working intellectuals.”

—Kim Il-sung

“If people are conceived, as they should be, qualitatively... then Fascism is democracy in its purest form.”

—Giovanni Gentile

“The leading bodies of the Party must give a correct line of guidance and find solutions when problems arise, in order to establish themselves at centers of leadership.”

—Mao Zedong

The various quotations above are a reflection of Fascist and Communist views of Democracy. If everything is an organ of the state, then the people’s will is the Party’s will. If all interests are subordinated and integrated into the people’s state, we have a “corpus” or “body politic”. Therefore, socialist states are, in theory, corporatist states. That is to say, only through the state are individuals able to realize themselves and actualize their will. It is this commonality that fraternizes Communism and Fascism as manifestly similar in kind. This is to say, two interpretations of socialism in action. 

The Fascists, like Communists, said the individual only found fulfillment by belonging to a greater whole. Because man was inherently social, not liberal, the Liberal Humanist project was considered to be an attack on the very essence and nature of humanity. Both wanted to destroy and replace Liberalism with something completely anti-liberal. The National Socialists, for example, sought to destroy it altogether and replace it with a recognition that the individual is an abstraction of the mind subordinate to a greater spirit. There was no “individual”, but rather a “personality”. No “collective”, but rather a “community” interdependent and harmonized as one organism. The National Socialists wanted to emancipate and elevate the personality into the national-community (Volksgemeinschaft) so that he may be harmonized into something much greater than himself. This is why the National Socialists emphasized idealism and had such strong anti-materialist rhetoric. So on the matter of philosophy, we have more in common with the Fascists and National Socialists than we do with the Communists. Nevertheless, we should remember yet again that in praxis the Socialism of Fascism and Communism are bound together and ultimately they seek to achieve the same material conditions, it is only a matter of how we differ in regard to our thoughts about what those material conditions signify.

We must stress that the American Fascist Lawrence Dennis explained this very eloquently:

Activity, stability and order are the essential objectives of the new revolution the world over. They are being pursued everywhere with different means peculiar to different local situations. Everywhere this pursuit of order is being accompanied by a curtailment of individual economic liberty, i.e., the power of the moneyed few, and a continuous extension of social control, with increasing stress on individual duties and diminishing emphasis on individual rights. The terms communism (referring to the revolution in Russia), Fascism (referring to the revolution in Italy), Nazism (referring to the revolution in Germany) and the New Deal (referring to the revolution in America) now appear clearly to be each just a localism. Looking at the entire world situation, one may now say that there is just one revolution and just one significant ism: socialism. Everywhere it is a socialist revolution, differences being largely local peculiarities of different situations.

—Lawrence Dennis

The people are the spirit of the state and the state is the spirit of the people. Functionally, the way a spirit manifests is through the party organization and integrated bodies (worker councils, corporations, syndicates, etc.). Socialism, in its conclusion, is the ultimate form of democracy. This is why Fascists always called for a “people’s state”. This is why North Korea refers to itself as a Democratic Republic. Fascist Italy, like Communist China, are both, functionally speaking, republics. Communism and Fascism are both inherent forms of true Democracy because they synthesize contradictions through proletarianized resolutions. In other words, a more connected civilizational people actualized through identity (patriotism). 

These “plutocratic nations” represent bourgeois decadence and fiercely defend their exploitation of resources by force, even if it means denying the existence of other nations. It is through this socialist interpretation that the notion of the “socialism of nations” expands the class struggle to the national struggle simply understood as “the struggle of nations.” This idea is that the "socialism of proletarian nations'' does not begin with Mussolini or Mao. It can be traced back to Nationalist ideologies such as Enrico Corradini or, by default, to the nationalist revolutions of the 1800s, especially the ones that took place in Italy. This notion can be basically summarized as a nationalist interpretation of Marxist theory through the application of contradiction-based dialectics on the interaction of nations in the struggle for existence. There are also “proletariat nations”, that is, the ones lacking in resources or whose resources had been drained of their possibility to develop by the exploitation of nations that are deemed as plutocratic. These plutocratic nations hold these resources and purposely stifle and choke other nations in their organic developments.

The Fascist ideal is the struggle for the future of not only the land or culture of a nation but the very people themselves whom we consider to be the most precious possession in this world. Viewing your ethnic community as an extended family is a normal, natural, and healthy part of the human experience. Each individual is a part of a larger network that is bound together by faith, heritage, history, and a shared destiny. These connections help build and perpetuate feelings of loyalty and fraternity between the people of a nation. While systems of government may change, constitutions may be amended or abolished, and social changes may develop, at the heart of every nation is the beating heart of the people, and so long as that people live, the nation endures and carries on. 

People that supported the idea of Socialism of Nations believed that it would be useless if workers were to overthrow their local capitalists in a proletarian nation because even then, they would remain subjugated to foreign plutocracies that would keep a boot on their neck no matter what how much success they had on a more localized level. The theory of rights, pacifism, cosmopolitanism, class divisions, egoism, plutocracy, capitalism, etc. - All of these had to be crushed for the sake of a “proletariat nation” in the pursuit of survival. A socialist revolutionary nationalism that did not want the idolatry of old patriotic symbols, nor territory, nor a return to the past had to be cultivated. A worldview that was guided toward national cohesion and the development of social well-being had to be formulated.

The march on Rome had been a revolution, in the pursuit of cracking down on parasites, with the purpose of enabling Italy to wage its own struggle for existence against hostile plutocratic nations. We see with the manifestations of “proletarian nationalism” and “socialist democracy” a repeating theme of dispossessed and abused nations struggling against plutocratic capitalist nations that seek to suffocate them out of existence. The communist Li Dazhao first identified China as one of these Proletarian Nations. This term eventually became identified as nations who were oppressed by Western plutocracy, until Mao Zedong brought about the complete upheaval of China to crush the plutocracy that was exploiting the Chinese people. Socialism is rooted in the nation and always has been for this reason. Socialists (as opposed to Leftists) have never argued for getting rid of the nation, only abolishing the capitalist state for the purpose of freeing the people of the nation to govern themselves. As Mao points out

“The Chinese Communist Party is the only party in China, and in its victory, it will speak for the whole nation. It cannot speak for the Russian people, or rule for the Third International, but only in the interests of the Chinese masses."

—Mao Zedong

A Socialism of Nationalistic Proletarianism has a nature that adapts itself and handles its view not through dogmatic or reactionary policies, but through an adaptation of the times and needs of the people. This is, as Mussolini and many others like Mao would put it, a Democratic Socialism. Distinctions will be accepted, competition will be endorsed, merit will be valued, and different ideas won't be disregarded, but National identity and solidarity will supersede all of them. In the end, it all comes down to the Final Socialization, that is, applying “Socialism of the People.” As Franco Freda put it:

“Freedom is liberty from the enslavement of the bourgeois economy, from the mercantile plutocracy.

—Franco Freda

Socialism seeks the abolition of the distinctions between proletariat and bourgeoisie, the distinction between a street sweeper and farmer, and the distinction of regionalisms, not because it wants to eliminate them, but because it seeks those concepts to be integrated into a broader category that surpasses all lesser identities for the sake of a common civilizational identity.

As in the previous century, the 21st century is marked with a struggle between workers and parasites; or as Pierre Drieu la Rochelle described it, proletarian nationalism against bourgeois nationalism. Having the state direct the economy in the welfare of the nation is without a doubt the path forward today. Our Socialism has developed itself into a relativistic truth of humanity via sublation. It does not seek to be a dogmatic doctrine but rather a creative method for civilization cultivation. It isn’t based upon dogmatic policies but on the national situation of a people. In order to achieve the goal of having a healthy nation, it is necessary to neutralize forces that seek to undermine, exploit, and weaken the people. The parasitic capitalist class and all corrupt political institutions that infect a sick nation prevent it from regaining its health and vitality. Any movement that attempts to strengthen the nation is a direct threat to the systems of control that our plutocratic liberal elites have created and maintained. Consequently, any movement that is perceived as a threat to them is either destroyed or co-opted.

One certainly need not agree with Karl Marx’s thesis that all history is the history of class struggles in order to be capable of acknowledging that this proposition for liberation is worthwhile for investigation. There is no denying the fact that all struggles, of both a foreign-policy and domestic-political nature, take place, at least partially, upon the plane of economic struggle. Just a few years ago it was almost impossible to speak of class struggle as a historically-conditioned subject in circles that call themselves patriotic or nationalist, but the events of the past few years have brought about a remarkable transformation. Ernst Niekisch best highlights how many with Fascist sympathies feel:

“We are not communists, but for the sake of national salvation we are capable even of communism.

—Ernst Niekisch

This transformation is the destiny of America to whom our passionate love is dedicated. America’s future can only be built by that class that rightfully calls itself the working class. We have no thoughts of erecting a wall between ourselves and our comrades by inventing new terms and new words out of sentimental hesitancies. We ourselves, as dispossessed people – defenselessly subjected to the capitalist system – understand and acknowledge that only one thing still connects us, the proletarian nation that dreams to be awakened. We affirm the class struggle and the national struggle to be ultimately one and the same. The false distinction was simply imposed upon the proletarian nations by the other side for the sake of their perpetual divide-and-conquer policy. 

We do not do any of this for the sake of some abstract idea, but because one cannot abolish political realities by turning a blind eye to them. We are aware, however, that our goal can only be achieved through the fiercest intensification in efforts to resolve all prevailing contradictions. We do not desire restoration or reform, but a clear-cut decision. We do this not out of romantic nostalgia, but because we are convinced that only the working class will succeed in integrating all other groups under a common civilization-state. We desire the harmony of healthy diversity and socially integrative unity. We desire a high culture and an organic civilization-state that is built upon the liberation and empowerment of the working class. 

It has become clear that this goal is the same as the one that the Communists and Fascists of the previous century were striving for under somewhat different terms, presuppositions, and philosophical views. We stand firmly against the parasitic capitalist system, against liberal imperialism, against secular humanist cosmopolitanism, against plutocratic power, and against the avarice of the bourgeois spirit! This automatically ranks us with the proletariat. As the Spanish Fascist Ramiro Ledesma Ramos said:

“We accept the economic problem that Marxism posed. In the face of the liberal and arbitrary economy, Marxism is right.

—Ramiro Ledesma Ramos

By this, we affirm the path towards the common goal, the path of Patriotic Socialism, by which alone the nation, consciously and subconsciously, lives today. The name of this path was called “class struggle” by the Communists, and “national struggle” by the Fascists, but we, who now seek to transcend both Communism and Fascism, choose to call it “civilizational struggle”.

An Appeal to Socialists

Since the American government crushed the Black Panther Party and the Rainbow Coalition, Leftism in America has been on life support. While the campaigns of Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez have generated excitement among some Leftists, the policies of even the supposedly most “far Left” politicians in our country are little more than center-Right when compared to their relevant contemporaries around the world. No part of the “Progressive” wing of the Democratic Party calls for a worker-state control of the means of production. Worse yet, the supposedly independent socialist organizations – such as the Democratic Socialists of America and the Communist Party USA – have effectively been co-opted into the Democratic Party and, by extension, the liberal uniparty. 

These political forces spend more time defending political institutions that don’t even acknowledge in their platform the most basic demands of a socialist. If we are to have a true socialist movement in America, we cannot rely upon any existing institutions, as all of these groups and leading figures have shown themselves to be incompetent, hostile, or both. In the Patriotic Socialist Front, we aim to revive the history of socialism in America and bring this heroic message of liberation to a new generation. 

Modern “socialist” organizations deny the basic fundamental worldview of James Connolly, Vladimir Lenin, Mao Zedong, and others. It is important to note that within the socialist framework, the national community plays a key part in the cause of any liberation struggle; and that it is through socialism that it is truly able to survive and thrive. 

Ho Chi Minh wrote:

“Only in a socialist system are the interests of the individual, the state and the collective in harmony. That is why only a socialist constitution can encourage the citizens to enthusiastically fulfill their duties to society and the Fatherland.”

—Chi Minh

No true socialist says that the proletariat should lose their unique culture, identity, language, and customs, but rather,  it is the capitalist system that wishes to destroy all of these things. Fidel Castro, speaking on Ho Chi Minh, stated:

“Comrade Ho Chi Minh, in a genius way, combined the struggle for national independence with the struggle for the rights of the masses oppressed by the exploiters and the feudals. He saw that the path was to combine the patriotic feelings of peoples with the need for freedom from social exploitation. National liberation and social liberation were the two pillars on which his doctrine was based.

—Fidel Castro

The combination of national and social liberation unites together to liberate the proletariat and leads to an organic national and social rejuvenation of all the people. Socialist patriotism is a proletarian nationalism that rejects the Western Left's rootless cosmopolitanism and bourgeois nationalism of the Right.

Bourgeois nationalism is based on chauvinism and xenophobia. The capitalists encourage this vulgar nationalism to trick workers into fighting and killing their fellow workers from other nations. The Paris Commune of 1871 shows the shallowness of bourgeois nationalism. When France and Prussia were at war, as they often were, the leaders and business interests of both sides encouraged their farmers, factory workers, miners, and peasants to sally forth for national pride and kill their opposing workers. As soon as the autonomous Paris Commune had established itself, the leaders of France and Prussia signed a peace agreement and sent their soldiers to crush the Paris Commune, showing that appeals to nationalism were only a tool to motivate their soldiers to side with the interests of powerful capitalists, and as soon as the power of kings and finance was threatened, the class interest of the bourgeoisie trumped all other concerns.

Secular Humanist Cosmopolitanism is best summed up as the spirit of the current neo-liberal world order, where policies support the removal and desecration of all cultural, religious, and traditional ideals of the proletariat. Cosmopolitanism is the ideological reflection of the capitalist system. Globalization is one of the defining principles of cosmopolitanism, seeking in the modern age to turn the entire world into one big United States, a company town owned by the capitalist class where the working class is forced to serve their banking and business overlords who have nothing but animosity and hatred against the divine spark of dignity inherent in man, and consequently, no care for the moral, cultural and religious sensibilities of the peoples.

An organic proletariat nation was explained by Joseph Stalin when defined a nation as:

“A historically constituted, stable community of people, formed on the basis of a common language, territory, economic life, and psychological makeup manifested in a common culture."

—Joseph Stalin

Karl Marx identified this over one hundred and fifty years ago when he said:

“To call cosmopolitan exploitation universal brotherhood, is an idea that could only be engendered in the brain of the bourgeoisie. All the destructive phenomena which unlimited competition gives rise to within one country are reproduced in more gigantic proportions on the world market.

—Karl Marx

Cosmopolitanism seeks to grow the injustice and exploitation of the United States so that it becomes a worldwide enterprise. By destroying the organic communities and identities of the proletariat, the capitalists plan to destabilize and destroy what makes us uniquely made in the image of God. Solomon Bloom wrote on this subject:

Cosmopolitanism seeks to pass from the individual to mankind without the intermediate stopping place of social units less comprehensive than the whole species.

—Solomon Bloom

To reject Secular Humanist Cosmopolitanism is to reject a false internationalism, one that exists only to serve the plutocratic liberal elites and the capitalist class.

National liberation is a clear tenant of socialist philosophy. At the center of it all lies the struggle for a world that is free of exploitive capitalism and liberal imperialism. For this cause, the nations of the world and the communities of every nation must take on this struggle for local and national liberation, united in solidarity with their like-minded and like-spirited comrades around the world. 

The fight of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army to free China was spiritually united with the Irish Republican struggle of the Irish Republican Army, the Korean People’s Army in North Korea, the struggle of African socialists to free their nations from imperialism, and the struggle of Fidel Castro in Cuba. All of these struggles were national and local, with a unique identity. Kim il-Sung said on this:

The people are the masters of the revolution in each country. It is like putting a cart before the horse that foreigners carry out the revolution for them. The revolution can neither be exported nor imported.

—Kim Il-sung

Mao Zedong identified this concept when he wrote in 1938:

Communists must therefore combine patriotism with internationalism. We are at once internationalists and patriots, and our slogan is, ‘Fight to defend the motherland against the aggressors.For us, defeatism is a crime and to strive for victory in the War of Resistance is an inescapable duty. For only by fighting in defense of the motherland can we defeat the aggressors and achieve national liberation. And only by achieving national liberation will it be possible for the proletariat and other working people to achieve their own emancipation. The victory of China and the defeat of the invading imperialists will help the people of other countries. Thus in wars of national liberation, patriotism is applied to internationalism.”

—Mao Zedong

To discount the organic community element of internationalism and socialism is to ignore human nature, human history, and the values of our forebears from so many different backgrounds who sacrificed to get the struggle for socialism and justice to this point. The words of the Proclamation of the Irish Republic read:

We declare the right of the people of Ireland to the ownership of Ireland and to the unfettered control of Irish destinies, to be sovereign and indefeasible. The long usurpation of that right by a foreign people and government has not extinguished the right, nor can it ever be extinguished except by the destruction of the Irish people. In every generation, the Irish people have asserted their right to national freedom and sovereignty.

—Proclamation of The Irish Republic

This proclamation, like those shared by socialist nations and movements around the world, proclaims a clear identity of the proletariat, the right of self-determination for a united working class of said identity, and opposition to the forces of imperialism and foreign occupation that seeks to deprive the proletariat of self-determination. 

Today it is impossible to deny that our environment is polluted. We have plastic in our blood, the Amazon rainforest is on fire, income inequality is on the rise to a degree that would make a Gilded Age steel baron blush, and on any given day we stand one bloodthirsty imperialist desire to bump up the stock value of weapons manufacturers away from the conflict that could end the lives of billions of people. The true terror is that we live in a society hardly different from the exploitation of what we are told happened a long time ago. In fact, we dare to say that what we face today is several orders of magnitude worse than whatever narratives liberals may espouse to demonize the European medieval ages a millennium ago. 

During the days of the industrial revolution, a man could have his limb crushed in a factory and he and his family would have no ability to provide for themselves, as the factory owner filled his spot with another desperate worker, but fundamentally we still live in that callous system that has no respect for basic human dignity or human rights. 

If you are poor in America and cannot afford your insulin, you die. 

If you are poor in America and cannot afford housing, you live on the streets. 

If you are poor in America and have mental health issues and cannot afford treatment, you do without. 

If you get sick, your boss can fire you and fill the position, leaving you with nothing. 

There is no safety net in the United States for working people, where the majority of us are one unexpected car repair, illness, or downturn at work away from living on the street and scrounging for garbage to feed ourselves and our children. All of this in the supposedly richest empire in world history, with technology that Jules Verne and other early science fiction writers couldn’t even dream of; but every single night, over the hustle and bustle of our 24/7 economic production and consumption, the cries of hungry children and despairing men and women can be heard. 

America is a society of Kultur Terror or “cultural terror”, and that must change not only for the sake of all who live in the United States of America but also for the sake of all who live within the hegemony and sphere of influence of the United States of America all over the world. So long as the world remains geo-politically monopolar, this would in fact be for the sake of the entire world.

In our current society, it is easy to blame others or to simply turn your eyes away from those who are suffering as if poverty and misfortune are diseases that you can catch merely by looking at them and acknowledging their presence. 

It’s far easier to put spikes up in alleys so the homeless can’t sleep there, so you don’t have to see them. 

It’s far easier to let tens of thousands of men and women kill themselves every single year out of despair and untreated mental illness than to admit that this society isn’t working. 

It’s far easier to pass the bum on the street begging for money to feed his children or see the woman selling her body so she can have a dry and warm place to sleep tonight than to admit to yourself, something is fundamentally wrong.  

It makes people uncomfortable to think that America is not a just society, because if America isn’t a just society, then it falls upon all of us to do something about the lack of social justice. We are far too pacified. It is the defining characteristic of the establishment. Instead of fixing these problems, the capitalist system distracts us through fear and increased alienation.

One of the ways to distract the people at home from the ever-increasing poverty and alienation is through the government maintaining a permanent war footing. As Herman Goering noted:

Of course, the people don't want war… Naturally, the common people don't want war… Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger.

—Herman Goering

This is the reason why the United States has been at war for the majority of our national history. Endless conflict helps distract the people and expand the business interests and maximize the profits of the capitalist class. 

The capitalists and rootless cosmopolitans will use any available narratives to help motivate the people to support endless wars and restrictions on civil liberties. They have no qualms about using racial and national superiority narratives to achieve these goals. The Japanese were vile “Japs” – featured as barely human apes in American war propaganda – when the elites needed to persuade American farm boys and factory workers to go off to fight the Japanese in the Pacific. The same was true with the Germans who were featured as bestial “Huns” in both the First and Second World wars who were supposedly coming to destroy our churches and communities, the logistical and ideological ridiculousness of these ideas be damned.

Today, the woke narrative is being deployed by our government and media. These ideas are looking to send those same American workers who have no desire to fight and die in war to sacrifice “democratic” values such as denying nations their ability to practice their religion, legalized sodomy, and infanticide, all while wrapping these ideas in the clothes of righteousness. While the narratives may change in every generation, the purpose of this propaganda is to push the working class to support the endless wars for the benefit of the ruling elite. 

Throughout our history, both local and foreign organizers have brought forth genuinely valid criticisms of United States foreign policy. 

Dr. Robert Ley, leader of the German Labor Front in Nazi Germany, wrote the following in his pamphlet ‘Roosevelt betrays America’ that:

“The USA became the home of gangsters, the insanities of Hollywood, the stock brokers of New York, the orators of Washington ... There is not a country in the world where money is as important as it is in the USA. The ideals of family, fatherland, culture and manliness are all dominated by the desire to ‘make money’. While the peoples of Europe bled during the World War of 1914-1918, North America knew but one principle: to earn as much as possible through war." 

—Robert Ley

In 1932, the French newspaper, La Liberté wrote,

“Verily, Pontius Pilate was not more cynical or more odious ... What was the Lausanne Conference if not a direct and logical consequence of the Hoover Moratorium? Does this government, which obeys gangsters, which capitulates helpless before thieves and assassins of babies in the cradle, dare to assume such a height of moral authority that it thinks it can dictate to Europe and France? Americans are the only race who passed directly from barbarism to decadence without knowing civilization.”

—La Liberté

During the Vietnam War the American people were told that they had to sacrifice so as to maintain the “democracy” of a military junta puppet state in South Vietnam.

The American government had no quarrels with anti-Muslim and anti-Arab messaging in the 21st century. These people were supposedly uneducated “towel heads” and “terrorists” to justify their so-called “War on Terror”, so it was acceptable to kill them by the millions, use depleted uranium that will poison generations of Iraqis and Afghanis, or torture them without the dignity of even giving them a trial. Whenever the war drums beat or the policies of exploitation need more men for the meat grinder, the capitalists cry loudly about the importance of fighting for the nation, for democracy, or for liberal ideals, but it’s fundamentally all a trick to expand, and conquer other peoples and their resources for the sake of the liberal world hegemony. 

In our modern era, we see that mass immigration in the United States and Europe is ongoing and is not going to stop anytime soon. The United States overthrows socialist governments, uses trade agreements to cripple local economies, and then opens the border to bring in millions of workers for the purpose of lowering wages here in the United States and giving capitalists an endless supply of labor.

Organizations like Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) aren’t used in any meaningful way to deport illegal immigrants, they do just enough of their stated jobs to keep Latino communities in fear so those communities won’t make any noise against the capitalist class that exploits them. These organizations also penalize legal immigrants for attempting to follow the laws of the United States by throwing them on the back burner. What this means is that resources and priority attention is dedicated first to illegal immigrants. In essence, the message that legal immigrants receive is that illegal immigration is preferred over legal immigration and that there is a greater punishing experience for attempting to immigrate legally than there is for attempting to immigrate illegally. Such conditions are completely unacceptable. 

Rather than allow the United States to suppress the social and economic vitality of Latin America, we should demand that the US allow Latin America full autonomy free of the US government’s intrigue. In the case of Mexico, the US should allow Mexico to build itself up and meet the US as an equal power both socially and economically. This will organically reduce immigration into the United States and will result in a win-win situation for both the US and Mexico. Once Mexico is free of the exploitation and forced corruption that it endures due to the USA’s hostile foreign policies, there will no longer be a crisis on the border between these sovereign nations. One can have borders between Mexico and the US where both countries can coexist as civilizational states. The need for rigid borders is primarily the product of one economic power exploiting the other and engaging in a process of “draining” the people and resources from exploited countries. 

Displacing people from their homeland but simultaneously making it difficult for people to leave their homeland is part of the capitalist plot to turn every member of the proletariat into a servile slave of desperation and an interchangeable cog of production and consumption. 

If you want to end the forced migrations, forced segregations, and seemingly endless streams of refugees fleeing war, disease, climate change, and other factors; you must become part of the solution to end the causes that lead to refugees and migrants in the first place: capitalism, war, and oppression. 

A civilization-state does not ultimately exist based on any kind of constitutionalism, but is rather an organic manifestation that is kept healthy through high culture. By ending exploitation both at home and abroad, the current issues of immigration and border disputes fundamentally disappear because the need to set them up in the first place disappears as well. 

A culturally, socially, and economically strong Latin America that is given the respect and dignity of an equal — rather than being derogatorily degraded as “America’s backyard” as it has been up until now — will ensure that there will never again be massive waves of forced migration into the United States caused by exploitive and hostile foreign policies.

Cultures segregate organically without the need for forced segregation. Those who still seek to enjoy the cultures of their neighbors shall be free to immigrate if they so desire, with the consent of the communities that they seek to immigrate to, but it will never again result in the political and cultural strife that we have all unfortunately been accustomed to in recent decades. 

The nation-state model, post-Treaty of Westphalia, was always a bourgeois concept birthed out of the problems that liberalism and capitalism brought to the world. Those who seek to maintain the nation-state model as the highest end are not motivated by the ideals of high culture and civilization, but knowingly or unknowingly still suffer from the bourgeois spirit of modernity. We seek the health and well-being of ethnic groups not in nation-states but civilization-states. We believe the civilization-state to be a far more competent and just model for the welfare and health of all national communities.

We are at a breaking point for the future of this world, and for all of humanity. We, the proletariat, can either break our chains and pull humanity back from the brink of liberal insanity, or we can live and die as good and willing slaves of a demonic master and his satanic system. We, by the grace of God, aim to be part of the solution by working to end violence and animosity between the elements of the working class and focusing on mutual aid, self-defense, and the eventual liberation of all working people who engage in honorable labor. May divine providence bless our cause. May our socialism be true to the perennial principles of our creator. May we learn to love each other as heaven commanded us to.

If you are a socialist, the avenues that exist for political action have proven themselves to be ineffective or co-opted by the forces of reaction and liberalism. None of these groups put forward actual solutions to fix the climate catastrophe, the displacement of millions of people, or endless conflict. If you want to bring about the vision of a world free from exploitation and where the working people of the world are free to chart their own course, join us and be a part of the solution.

If you want to be part of the solution, working to end violence and animosity between elements of the working class while focusing on mutual aid, self-defense, and the eventual liberation of all working people you must join us. Through Solidarity, Socialism, and Self-Determination we shall free the human race from bondage and defeat the synthetic Left of the modern age and defeat the bourgeoisie of the Right. To conclude with the words of Karl Marx:

“The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win. WORKING MEN OF ALL COUNTRIES, UNITE!”

—Karl Marx

A Socialism of Our Style

It is best to preface an explanation of our ideological positions by first identifying what we oppose. We are opposed to liberalism, capitalism, and all the various related manifestations that have come out of Secular Humanism since the so-called “Age of Enlightenment''. We are diverse in our backgrounds and yet we are now united in common realizations that seek to break through in the form of a common consciousness made manifest through a shared worldview. In essence, we are “anti-liberal” or “illiberal” in the fullest philosophic sense. 

Although some of us may come from a Communist or Fascist background, we are now neither Communists nor Fascists. We do not aim to use 20th-century philosophical abstractions but instead seek to transcend both Communism and Fascism. We want a popular state that is completely anti-liberal with a healthy socialist economy. 

What this means is that we want to instill discipline in the people so that they may live honorable lives. A state that provides conditions to make the people prosperous, socially virtuous, and reliable. 

Socially minded people, who, through honorable ethnic and cultural identity, organically and naturally desire to make the right choices in life. 

For this cause, we want radical changes in the education of the youth and we want to provide the youth with a new doctrine that radically differs from the current liberal one. The values of class consciousness, tradition, religion, family, folk, and fatherland shall fill the people with a heroic and liberating sense of purpose and motivation. We desire to create socially conscious people – people who strive to be ever more selfless – who will build our civilization-state and a just socialist economy and society for all. 

Our position on positive ethnic identity does not exclude anyone but calls all people in America to join, whether you identify as White, Black, Asian, Latino, Native American, or whatever your identity may be. We seek to harmonize you into the future American Civilization so that you may live in harmony with all other members of the American Civilization and so that the American Civilization may finally live in peace with all the other nations of the world. There shall be neither forced assimilation nor forced segregation but only organic integration and organic separation based on a common spirit of fraternity and cultural respect. This can all be achieved once the demonic forces of liberalism and capitalism are vanquished.

Though there are differences among our comrades in some areas, we are united in our belief in social justice. With our anti-liberal socialism, we want to practice Christ’s practical teachings of loving our neighbors as ourselves, taking care of orphans, the aged, the widows, and showing charity and care to the hopeless and downtrodden. We invite all religious institutions who recognize our sincerity and the virtue of our cause to work with us and help us, especially in the areas where only religion can best transform the rotten soul of a materialistic and selfish man into a selfless and spiritually minded man or woman, for that is what we ultimately seek as well. 

We seek to cultivate a high culture of honor, justice, and charity. We seek to remind the naturalists of the world that there is a supernatural above the natural world that calls us to recognize it. The natural world that we see is meant to urge us to think about the supernatural that we cannot see. Though there may be some among us who are still materialists in their philosophy, we must be clear that we seek to transcend the differences but in our view, the mind of God must be united in an organic whole with consciousness. For this reason, we profess the philosophy of Giovanni Gentile’s Actual Idealism to be our revision to Marxism.

We seek to uphold the dignity of honorable labor, in the classic American tradition, from the days of Appalachian miners fighting a war against the Pinkertons, the legacy of the Battle of Blair Mountain, up to the heroes of this struggle such as Mother Jones and Big Bill Haywood. We seek to lift up all people to a higher civilizational state of being. We seek to cultivate a high culture for the sake of a healthy national community; an empire that does not exploit peoples, but rather a society that lifts them up and takes care of them, respects their culture and customs, and integrates them into a common civilizational identity that achieves harmony both within itself and with all that it coexists with externally. 

Our “Civilizationalism” draws from the Radical Traditionalist school of thought and is based on a concept that seeks to transcend all the illnesses of Modernism and its blasphemous notions of “progress.” We seek to cultivate, within the consciousness of man, the importance of that spirit that is timeless and eternal; that spirit which makes a man noble. 

We want peace and reconciliation with the peoples of the world wronged by our government controlled by usurious parasitical interests. The callous and unapologetically liberal supremacist attitude that goes hand in hand with this evil empire must be shed forever. With a heart full of sympathy for those wronged by our oppressive state and a desire for vengeance for the wrongs done to us by that same oppressive elite, we seek solidarity and an international friendship of peoples with our neighbors and victims of the Empire. This doesn’t just apply to those plutocratic elites who currently wield power, but also to those who share in their spirit and way of thinking. 

This empire has waged countless wars of aggression in the 20th century which have politically, socially, and economically damaged various peoples around the world. Even worse, these conflicts have desecrated and destroyed the world’s cultural treasures, traditions, and ways of life. This has all been done in the name of spreading the globalist secular humanist and nihilistic conceptions of “freedom, democracy, and human rights'' while simultaneously destroying real organic cultures and replacing them with the false idol of Liberal Americanism that our people and the world never wanted. 

And was all this suffering worth it in the end? For what noble and holy purpose has America waged all these wars of conquest? These wars were done in order to achieve a unipolar world order with American capitalists and rootless cosmopolitans at the head of liberal world hegemony.

The American government was certainly not righteous when the bankers killed hundreds of millions of people around the world for natural resources, territorial conquests, military expansion, and economic dominance. While the government, bankers, and capitalists were for these wars, the people opposed them. We must remember the words of Eugene Debs when he told American workers:

“The bankers are for bullets—for the fool patriots that enlist at paupers' wages to stop the bullets, while the bankers clip coupons, boost food prices, increase dividends, and pile up millions and billions for themselves. Say, Mr. Workingman, suppose you have sense enough to be as patriotic as the banker, but not a bit more so. When you see the bankers on the firing line with guns in their hands ready to stop bullets as well as start them, then it is time enough for you to be seized with the patriotic itch and have yourself shot into a crazy-quilt for their profit and glory. Don't you take a fit and rush to the front until you see them there. They own the country and if they don't set the example of fighting for it, why should you?

—Eugene Debs

Both liberal and conservative academics and politicians lecturing the world for decades that the values of different cultures and religions were “backward” and “unenlightened” demonstrates the animosity that the capitalist and liberal system holds toward each and every unique culture and identity. These same voices argued that not only were imperialist occupations of various nations were justified, but that the people of these nations should view the arrival of American forces as their “liberators.” The only liberation that the American regime has ever brought to nations was a liberation for the native population from self-rule, economic freedom, civil rights, and traditional values. 

Franco Freda said that:

We live under the rule of the most miserable and most degrading of dictatorships: the bourgeois dictatorship, that of the merchants. Everything that surrounds us is bourgeois: political society, economy, culture, family, social customs, religious manifestations.

—Franco Freda

We can however change this with a national struggle for socialism, to build a nation that is an organic unity of peoples and an economy that becomes a holistic civilization.

Instead of begging forgiveness for the wrongs of our oppressors, or in fact, seeking to support these policies, we, the people of the United States, take it upon ourselves to remove this elite and system to then begin a period of reconciliation with all the peoples that our tyrannical rulers have wronged. Either here in the American homeland or across the world, the capitalist elites have sought to crush, exploit, and abuse all of mankind. Within the United States, the American people are just as much under occupation as those in Germany, Latin America, or South Korea. Globalism and capitalism make us all slaves to the whims and interests of the parasite class, and thus together we must bring about the end of this system.

In the fraternal spirit of “socialism for nations”, we advocate for a multipolar world order. It is therefore time that we take a step back and reassess our priorities and our ideals. We have for far too long been enslaved to the service of false gods that have demanded much blood both of our own and those of our supposed “enemies”. The old saying that “the tree of liberty must be watered with the blood of tyrants and patriots” is a terrible delusion, because the people of America have never known true liberty and freedom. We have lived since the earliest days of the Republic as worse than serfs to the bosses and barons who hold political and economic power over us. In truth, this tree is a demon that drinks the blood, sweat, and tears of men, women, and children. The tree of liberalism and capitalism siphons its feast from the people as they labor in its mines, fields, and factories or in an unholy sacrifice on the battlefields and communities of working people. It is only the power of revolutionary socialism, solidarity, class consciousness, and an organic national rebirth that has the power to cut this tree down and put an end to the bloodshed of the current global order. That “tree of liberty” shall be cast in the burning fire so that the serpent can never again tempt anyone with its wicked fruit. Liberalism, Reaction, imperialism, and capitalism must be eliminated once and for all!

Dr. Joseph Goebbels said that:

Lenin is the greatest man, second only to Hitler, and that the difference between Communism and the Hitler faith is very slight.

—Joseph Goebbels

French historian Francois Furet noted that:

“In many thundering discourses, Hitler expressed his respect, if not admiration for Stalinist Communism and its leader.

—Francois Furet

Trotskyist Otto Rühle believed that the Soviet Union:

Was the example for fascism. [...] Whether party 'communists' like it or not, the fact remains that the state order and rule in Russia are indistinguishable from those in Italy and Germany. Essentially, they are alike. One may speak of a red, black, or brown 'soviet state', as well as of red, black or brown fascism.

—Otto Rühle

If the ideology of Fascism and Communism can be seen as being so similar, by both followers of these ideologies and their opponents, how is it that the greatest conflict in human history became centered in the battle between Fascists and Communists? The answer to this question is complex, but at its heart lies a tragedy, the lost opportunity to unite revolutionary socialists against the liberal order of the Western world. Miscommunication, misunderstanding, national chauvinism, and a lack of solidarity divided various working-class movements from one another, allowing the liberal forces of the world the opportunity to incite and create the conditions for the second unnecessary world war of the 20th-century. 

It is our hope, as a movement, to transcend the divisions of the past and work to unite all revolutionary socialists together in a struggle against the liberal, capitalist, and reactionary-plutocratic forces in the West. Due to historical circumstances, Communism and Fascism fought against one another in the Second World War and this resulted in the eventual victory of Liberalism on the world stage against both. We acknowledge the similarities between the two ideologies despite differences in terminology. These differences created the opportunity for miscommunication and conflict, but we have learned from the errors of the past and shall never repeat these mistakes. For this reason, we follow what Alexander Dugin says:

To be anti-fascist or anti-communist is to fight with the shadow of the past. The real challenge is to be anti-liberal.

—Alexander Dugin

We have concluded that the only way to effectively oppose liberalism is to fuse these two, at first, seemingly contradictory worldviews. This is why we affirm the ideology of the Patriotic Socialist Front to be National Bolshevism, alternatively known as National Communism.

The creation of socialism for our people in the modern era requires the development of a form of socialism that is both organic to our history and also forward-thinking into how we can best actualize a better, more just, and freer society for all of our citizens. Within the mythos of the United States since the earliest days of the Republic, we have been told that America is a land of opportunity for all citizens. Over the generations, we have learned that this opportunity only exists for the elites and their chosen flunkies. Bankers, capitalists, and corrupt politicians rule over the people with more tyranny and corruption than even the most negligent and heartless feudal lords of the ancient past. In ancient times there at least was a connection between the classes of shared religion, culture, and identity; in America, however, the faith of the capitalists and rootless cosmopolitans is only that of greed. Our political class does nothing to fight for the people and redress the wrongs done to us. We should not be surprised at this situation though, because as James Connolly explained:

Governments in capitalist society are but committees of the rich to manage the affairs of the capitalist class.

—James Connolly

Our government is simply an oligarchy of the crudest kind, one that cares little for the lives, health, and prosperity of the citizenry. 

We in the Patriotic Socialist Front have a vision for an America where citizens are not divided from one another, where the people are not exploited for their labor, and where oppression will become but a distant memory. In order to achieve this goal of a new America, it requires all of us to put forward not only criticism of the current system, but a plan for how we will achieve our goals of total liberation. Liberation means an end to conflict, an end to injustice, and an end of deprivation. As Fred Hampton said:

Black people need some peace. White people need some peace. And we are going to have to fight. We're going to have to struggle. We're going to have to struggle relentlessly to bring about some peace, because the people that we're asking for peace, they are a bunch of megalomaniac warmongers, and they don't even understand what peace means.

—Fred Hampton

Only we, the proletariat, can bring about a peaceful, free, and just society that is built upon respect for one another and a desire to build up a new and better nation and world. 

For this vision, we have assimilated the best elements of American history and revolutionary movements around the world. This syncretism is a crucial part of the development of socialism. We do not wish to attempt to replicate past movements or shoehorn foreign solutions into our body politic but instead seek to develop our socialism for our time and our specific conditions. Our movement does not believe that we should so rigidly hold to specific answers for the economy so as to risk strangling the lives of our people through dogma, instead, we hold to the belief in a general tendency that aims to use social, economic, and political structures for the betterment and liberation of the people. 

Policies that work shall be utilized, and policies that are found to be ineffective will be discarded. One of the greatest failures of the Soviet Union in the later period of the 20th century was an unwillingness to adapt the development of socialism to evolving conditions, eventually leading to the downfall of socialism. The People's Republic of China, on the other hand, has used market socialism and an evolving series of economic policies to create the largest reduction of poverty in world history while becoming the most competitive economy on the planet. Looking to China and other successful examples of how a socialist movement must use economic forces to continually develop political socialism gives us inspiration for what wonders our nation can achieve as well.

The United States has an abundance of natural resources and wealth that could truly make our society a beacon for the world of what prosperity can be achieved if these forces were utilized for the benefit of the many, not just the few. Syndicalism and Market Socialism provide a blueprint for how our economy can be rebuilt and restructured so it is a just economy for the American worker. Syndicalism and Industrial Unionism to be more precise, has a long history in the American labor movement. 

The concept of “One Big Union”, where all workers are united in a single revolutionary force, found traction among miners, factory workers, textile laborers, dock workers, and nearly every part of the American economy. In order to fully deploy a General Strike against the capitalist system, all workers must be united within the same labor front, guaranteeing a total shutdown of the capitalist system. 

Syndicalism is not only for the time during the transition from capitalism to socialism, but it is also a way to maintain the empowerment of the workers long-term. One of the most important elements of syndicalism, as Émile Pouget wrote, is that:

What sets syndicalism apart from the various schools of socialism – and makes it superior – is its doctrinal sobriety. Inside the unions, there is little philosophizing. They do better than that: they act!

—Émile Pouget

This syndicalist model of Industrial Unionism is organic to the American experience, as the great American socialist Daniel Deleon said:

“While class rule casts the nation, and, with the nation, its government, in the mold of territory, Industrial Unionism casts the nation in the mold of useful occupations, and transforms the nation’s government into the representations from these. Accordingly, Industrial Unionism organizes the useful occupations of the land into constituencies of future society. In performing this all-embracing function, Industrial Unionism, the legitimate offspring of civilization, comes equipped with all the experience of the age.

—Daniel de Leon

Small ideological differences have been known to tear apart socialist organizations and labor movements, we eschew this mindset and instead desire to organize the workers to fight for real and tangible goals. As Big Bill Haywood, one of America’s greatest labor leaders said:

“I've never read Marx's Capital, but I've got the marks of capital all over my body.

—Big Bill Haywood

You do not need to read a thousand books or articles to understand that the working people of the world now live as little more than slaves to our bosses. You do not need a fancy degree to comprehend that only through collective action can we liberate ourselves and our children from these systems of oppression. We are a movement of action, not of endless debates over minor policies. While we are not anti-intellectual, we oppose the uselessness of the liberal intellectual class in meeting the needs of the people. 

We demand higher wages, representation within every worker's place of employment, safer workplaces, and both dignity and respect for all members of the working class, and this cannot be gained through arguments and bickering, but through action against the capitalist system. Understanding syndicalism as a revolutionary force is not confined to any one country. Alceste De Ambris, the author of The Fascist Manifesto, was himself a staunch national syndicalist and Georges Sorel believed that:

All the future of socialism resides in the autonomous development of workers’ syndicates.” 

—Georges Sorel

Worker collectives guarantee democratic representation in all workplaces while incentivizing productivity and production. If each worker is given their fair share of the profits from the work of the collective, there is every motivation for workers to be fruitful in their labor. We do not wish to crush business from creating profits, we simply desire these profits to be justly distributed. 

Our movement believes firmly in the dream of Huey Long that America should be a man where “every man is a king, but no one wears a crown.” One does not have to go to Russia or Germany to find this vision, but homegrown revolutionaries such as Governor Huey Long, Father Charles Coughlin, Lawrence Dennis, William Dudley Pelley, Big Bill Haywood, Daniel DeLeon, Eugene Debs, Earl Browder, and many others have placed the foundation for the realization of American socialism. 

From Bacon's Rebellion to the Mine Wars of the 1920s and beyond, Americans more often than not lost our struggle against the forces of exploitation, but the people have yet to lose their continued willingness to fight. Our willingness to fight for justice is an enduring drive within the American people. Even in the face of adversity, we continue this battle, and because of our willingness to fight, we shall overcome. 

Having affirmed that Socialism is in the American tradition historically, we also have taken inspiration from other sources. We understand the power of myth due to Sorel, and the heroic man that can be created from the fires of revolutionary action. One of the most important teachers of rue revolutionary socialism is the Eternal Chairman, Kim Il Sung. When we study the DPRK, we learn that the reason the Warsaw pact countries fell apart was that they attempted to copy and apply the conditions present in the Soviet Union to their own people’s conditions. A revolution cannot be imported, this is the most important quote of Chairmen Kim. That is why we suggest Socialism of our own style, a revolutionary national rebirth, and a socialist market economy driven by syndicalist Industrial Unionism, Worker Cooperatives, Democratic Centralism, and protectionist agriculture, which is homegrown and organic to our conditions. Further, we seek to affirm, once we hold power, the principles learned through the study of Juche’s Songun Politics. The entire nation and its economy must be focused on the preservation of the civilizational union, in terms of the prosperity of the people and in self-defense. This can only be actualized by Juche’s Great Leader principle, which embodies the revolutionary character of our all-American Patriotic Socialist movement.